Sexual Abuse Victim Attorneys – Cifarelli Law Firm in Irvine CA

A woman working remotely with a laptop in front of her

Sexual Harassment and Remote Work: New Challenges and Solutions

As remote work becomes increasingly popular in today’s digital landscape, new challenges are emerging. One of the major issues in virtual space is sexual harassment. While remote work offers many benefits, such as flexibility and convenience, it also presents unique challenges when it comes to addressing remote workplace harassment.  In this article, we will explore […]

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Sexual Abuse

Your Legal Rights After Being a Victim of Sexual Abuse

According to statistics, around 463,000 cases of rape and sexual assault are reported each year in the United States involving victims ages 12 and above. Regrettably, there are far too many instances where victims are too afraid to come forward and, instead, suffer in silence. If you have been the victim of sexual abuse, it is

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Frightened female using computer

How to Protect Your Love Ones From Online Sexual Abuse

In the advanced and highly interconnected digital world of today, the wealth of opportunities available for online communication, entertainment, and learning is awe-inspiring. However, the advent of the internet has also brought with it a number of cyber threats and dangers that can extend beyond the internet and into the real world. One such danger

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Reporting Sexual Abuse in Your Workplace

The workplace is supposed to be a safe environment where you’re able to perform your job productively without fear of mental or physical harm. Unfortunately, sexual abuse and assault can occur anywhere, from the workplace and school facilities to bars and other public spaces. If you are a survivor of one of these heinous crimes, know that

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Child Abused in Religious Organization. How You Can Help:

Child Abused in Religious Organization. How You Can Help: When your child or one you know has been sexually abused by an individual affiliated with a religious organization, unbearable emotions, and thoughts are racing through your head. All of these are warranted, but what matters is getting the support and recovery plans in place to

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Sexual assault awareness month and celebration concept

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Prevention Demands Equity

April of 2023 marks the 22nd consecutive Sexual Assault Awareness Month, an effort by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) to promote awareness of the issue and prompt action to help prevent it in the future. This year’s campaign, Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity, is intended to “draw connections between various forms of oppression and the underlying

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A boy in stop abusing violence hand

A Look at Child and Teen Sexual Abuse Statistics

According to RAINN, child protective services (CPS) finds evidence or substantiates a childhood sexual abuse claim every nine minutes. That’s 160 cases daily that can be supported by evidence – and by most estimates, only a tiny fraction of childhood sexual abuse claims are reported. This means that at any time in our country, hundreds

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Close up of little boy watching cartoons on the digital tablet at night with copy space

Safer Internet Day

February 7th is Safer Internet Day, a project started by the EU in 2004 that has since expanded to more than 180 countries worldwide. Safer Internet Day intends to raise awareness of emerging online issues and concerns, including those that most impact children, such as cyberbullying, sexual predators, and cyber stalkers. Children are particularly vulnerable to

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Orange County Water Polo Coach Convicted

Bahram Hojreh, a prominent Orange County water polo coach, was convicted of dozens of felonies on Wednesday, November 16th. Sentencing will be held on January 12th. Hojreh faces up to 22 years in prison. Hojreh was found guilty of committing 22 felony acts against nine victims, whose ages ranged from 14 to 17 during the

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Spousal Sexual Assault

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, when people begin to take notice of the dynamics of abusive relationships.  One tactic abusers use that people rarely talk about is spousal sexual assault. Every person should understand spousal sexual assault and how it fits into a larger pattern in abusive relationships. What Is Spousal Sexual Assault? Spousal sexual

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