Car Accident Passenger Attorney in Santa Ana & Orange County, CA

When someone is injured in a car accident, that person can claim compensation for his or her financial losses and suffering. That applies whether the person is a newborn baby, a teenager or adult. If your child has been in an accident caused by the negligence of another party, you should speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Child Passenger Fatality And Injury Attorneys

The Cifarelli Law Firm, is a team of attorneys that provides results-oriented representation for children who are injured or killed in traffic accidents. We work diligently to obtain the best possible outcome, because we know the difference that a successful case can make in our clients’ lives.

You Must Take Action

Your child is depending on you. It is important that you do everything possible to see that he or she receives the best medical care possible. When you choose us to handle your case, we will act quickly to investigate the accident, identify possible sources of compensation and seek results for you. As part of the legal effort, we will learn about your child’s medical needs in discussions with the treating physician or other medical specialists.

Whether your child was suffered harm as a passenger in your car or someone else’s, there may be more than one source of insurance compensation. Having handled many car accident cases in more than two decades, our attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of automobile insurance law. In your case, we will analyze the insurance coverage issues and seek compensation from all possible sources.

Legally speaking, we will be representing your child. But your child will not become entangled in the legal process, and we will do everything we can to minimize intrusions into his or her life.

Defective Child Restraint Systems

If the harm to your child was caused by or aggravated by a defective child safety seat or another product designed to provide protection, we can file a lawsuit against the manufacturer. Our law firm has the product liability experience, financial resources and advocacy skills needed to successfully pursue these types of claims.

Contact An Orange County Child Injury Lawyer

For a free consultation about a motor vehicle accident case involving a child, contact The Cifarelli Law Firm. at (949) 502-8600.

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Office Information

7700 Irvine Center Drive Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92618

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm

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