Make injury lawsuits obsolete. Do everything safely.
Each year thousands of children are victimized by sexual abuse or molestation. Research from the CDC indicates that one in four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. In fact, according to a U.S. Department of Education study conducted in 2004, nearly 9.6 percent of American children will be subjected to some form of educator sexual misconduct at some point in their school careers. Moreover, many children are sexually harassed or molested by fellow students. Furthermore, every year thousands of children are sexually harassed and molested in day care centers, foster care settings, youth groups, church settings and even in their own neighborhoods.
Additionally, thousands of children are injured or killed from avoidable accidents that occur at school or around the house. The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that 200,000 children visited emergency rooms for injuries suffered from playground accidents last year.
Many instances of abuse or accidental injury might be avoided by following some simple steps. School administrators, teachers, counselors, coaches, security personnel, resource specialists, social workers, aides, parents and other concerned adults should consider the tips and suggestions on the following pages to help protect the children in their lives.