Child Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse

Helping Child Sexual Abuse Victims: Should You Call a California Sexual Abuse Attorney?

Tragically, many children suffer sexual abuse but are afraid to come forward and complain. They may think no one will believe them or fear the abuser’s reaction.  If you suspect that a child you know is suffering from sexual abuse, please report it ASAP. You can also help connect the child and/or their family with […]

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Child Sexual Abuse

How to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations

Many youth-serving organizations do wonderful work empowering children and teens, helping them discover talents while building connections between young people and the community. However, like any organizations that serve minors, pedophiles are drawn to them, and the organizations must take steps to prevent child sexual abuse. If you’re a parent, it can be devastating to

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Child Grooming

What Is Child Grooming? Sexual Abuse Attorney Lists Stages and Warning Signs of Grooming

Grooming is a gradual, stealthy process during which the groomer builds an emotional bond with the target, meaning to abuse or exploit them sexually later on. Children and teens are especially vulnerable to grooming because of their inexperience and strong emotional needs. If a groomer targeted your child, or if you fell victim to grooming

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Steps To Take If You Suspect A Teacher Or Coach Of Sexual Abuse

If you suspect that a loved one is a victim of child sexual abuse, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Contact law enforcement and child protective services without delay. Following that, get in touch with an experienced attorney who specializes in cases involving child sexual abuse. Such an attorney can assist you in addressing the

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Child Abused in Religious Organization. How You Can Help:

Child Abused in Religious Organization. How You Can Help: When your child or one you know has been sexually abused by an individual affiliated with a religious organization, unbearable emotions, and thoughts are racing through your head. All of these are warranted, but what matters is getting the support and recovery plans in place to

Child Abused in Religious Organization. How You Can Help: Read More »

Sad Child

It’s Time to Talk to Your Children About Good vs. Bad Touching

The sexual abuse of children is shockingly common. One in four girls and one in 13 boys will experience some form of sexual abuse before they reach adulthood, yet many parents avoid talking to their children about what is and is not appropriate touch. A national survey conducted by C.S. Motts Children’s Hospital found that fewer than

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Can a Sex Offender Move into My Neighborhood?

Generally speaking, sex offenders, once released from prison, a mental facility, or rehabilitation, are free to live in any residential neighborhood within the state. Some exceptions include prohibitions against residing within 2,000 feet of a school or park where children gather while the offender is on parole or probation. Still, by and large, even offenders

Can a Sex Offender Move into My Neighborhood? Read More »

Youth Sports Sexual Abuse

Around 60 million children between the ages of six and 18 participate in youth sports in the United States annually. For many, the experience is rewarding, educational, and fun. Unfortunately for others, sexual abuse from coaches or other adults involved in youth sports turns what should be enriching into a living nightmare. Several high-profile cases

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