Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Santa Ana & Orange County, CA

People in California are living longer, healthier and more productive lives than ever before. However, there is also a noticeable increase in age related illnesses. Some of these can be Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease and complications due to a stroke. Tending to and caring for a loved one can become too difficult for family members. It is not at all uncommon to look into placing them in a nursing home as an alternative. While nursing homes normally provide a safe and secure place for our loved ones to reside they can also care for our loved ones in a careless and negligent manner.

If a loved one has been injured while in a nursing home in California please contact an experienced nursing home negligence attorney. Do not hesitate to call The Cifarelli Law Firm by dialing (949) 502-8600 for a free consultation. Their office is in Irvine, California and they serve the injured throughout all of California.

Nursing Home Injuries And Accidents

Injuries in nursing homes can be caused by various actions or circumstances. These can range from the nursing home being understaffed, the staff being inadequately trained, improper monitoring and gross negligence. Injuries can also be caused by:

  • Assault/Sexual Assault: this can be caused by staff members, medical professionals, contractors, visitors and other residents.
  • Bedsores: these are also known as decubitus ulcers and are caused by leaving a patient in the same position for too long.
  • Burns: these can be caused by hot beverages, food, faulty wiring, appliances and other residents. Burns can be superficial or very deep. Both can cause severe pain and damage to the affected area.
  • Elopement (Wandering off): this can be caused by staff not paying attention to residents and or forging nursing logs.
  • Falls: these can be especially dangerous to elderly patients as their bones are very fragile. Falls are caused by the patient not being properly tended to or not using safety rails while they are in bed.
  • Dehydration & Malnourishment: these are 2 very common, yet very serious, situations that can inflict very serious health issues and injuries in nursing home residents. Dehydration is from not taking in enough fluids and malnutrition can be caused by taking in too few calories, not the right kinds of calories or not getting enough macro and micronutrients.
  • Wrongful death: death can be caused by numerous scenarios in a nursing home, many of which have already been discussed above. To learn more about your rights in a wrongful death lawsuit visit our wrongful death page.

Liability In California Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Establishing liability is one of the most important aspects of a nursing home negligence claim. A qualified nursing home abuse attorney will know how to identify any and all liable parties. These parties can be nursing home corporations, parent companies, third party staffing companies, contractors, subcontractors and vendors. It is imperative to your case that all liable parties be held legally responsible for the injuries sustained by your loved ones in their accident.

Contact A California Personal Injury Attorney

It may take years to recover from the financial strain and emotional stress caused by your loved one being injured. Let the legal team at The Cifarelli Law Firm handle all administrative aspects of your claim. This will allow you to focus on moving on. Contact them today for a free consultation at (949) 502-8600.

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7700 Irvine Center Drive Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92618

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Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm

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