Child Burns & Electrocution Injury Attorney in Santa Ana & Orange County, CA

When a child suffers a serious electrical or burn injury, it can result in a broad range of severe side effects that can impact the child for the rest of his or her life. In addition to serious nerve damage that can impair the use of the injured body part, the permanent scarring that often results from a serious burn can result in a variety of self-esteem and other psychological issues. The worst burn and electrical injuries can sometimes be fatal.

When these injuries happen in accidents that occur due to the negligence of another party, victims have the right to be fully compensated for any losses they suffer as a result. These are complex cases that require the attention of a qualified Irvine personal injury lawyer with the ability to fully protect your child’s interests.

Why Choose Cifarrelli Attorneys To Handle A Child Burn Injury Case?

At The Cifarelli Law Firm, we provide aggressive representation to children throughout California who have been seriously burned or suffered severe electrical injuries. We fully investigate how the injury happened and who was responsible. We build the strongest possible case to support your child’s claim for damages and seek the maximum level of compensation available in the case.

We have represented children in a wide variety of burn and electrical injury cases, including the following:

  • Exposed outlets or damaged wiring
  • Insufficient warning on electric fences
  • Downed power lines
  • Scalding due to a defective water heater
  • Car fires
  • Defective flame-retardant fabric
  • Burns from sun-heated playground equipment
  • Death by electrocution

Schedule A Free Case Evaluation

Strong Representation For Victims Of Serious Burns.  Contact our Orange County law office to schedule a free consultation about your child’s burn or electrical injury claim with a member of our legal team. You can reach our office by phone at (949) 502-8600 or via email.

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Office Information

7700 Irvine Center Drive Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92618

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm

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