California schools need to pay close attention to the ever present risk of concussions and other types of head injuries in youth sports. The American Academy of Neurology recently recommended that schools have a certified athletic trainer on the field during games and practices. Every year there are numerous cases of children suffering serious and life altering head injuries in Orange County, Los Angeles and San Diego County schools.
At The Cifarelli Law Firm, our child accident lawyers handle sports injury lawsuits resulting from youths playing tackle football, lacrosse, rugby, soccer, field hockey, hockey and other contact sports. If your child has suffered a head or brain injury from repeated concussions on the playing field, contact us for a free initial consultation.
Repeated concussions can lead to debilitating brain injuries. Schools that fail to take appropriate steps to prevent further injury after a child suffers a concussion on the playing field may be liable for damages. Our lawyers will seek the compensation you need to help your child deal with the challenges he or she will face. From our law office in Irvine, we represent families in Orange County and Southern California and throughout the nation.
Examples of negligence in sports-related concussions include:
- Failing to evaluate children for concussions following a head injury
- Sending children back into regular activities too soon after a concussion
- Failing to take appropriate steps, such as discontinuation of sports activities, after multiple concussions
Symptoms of concussion can include headache, nausea, dizziness, balance problems, blurry or double vision, sensitivity to light or sound, sluggishness and concentration or memory problems.
Discuss Your Child’s Sports Brain Injury With Our Law Firm
For more information about traumatic brain injuries from playing sports, contact our attorneys at The Cifarelli Law Firm at (949) 502-8600 or via email.