my child is abused at school

What Should I Do If My Child Is Abused at School or by a Caregiver?

When you take your child to school or leave them with a caregiver, you trust they are safe. However, that isn’t always the case. If you suspect your child has been abused by someone who is supposed to care for them, you may feel shocked, confused, and overwhelmed. This post addresses the question you are likely thinking: “What should I do if my child is abused at school or by a caregiver?”

Identifying Abuse

Unfortunately, it’s not always obvious when a child is being abused. However, there are some signs to watch for, including the following:

  • Physical signs: Kids often hurt themselves accidentally, but look out for unusual bruises, cuts, welts, or other marks that your child can’t explain. A sexually transmitted disease or trouble sitting down may be a sign of sexual abuse
  • Emotional signs: Abused children may exhibit fear, anxiety, depression, or other mood changes.
  • Behavioral signs: You may notice your child avoiding touch, flinching at sudden movements, acting aggressively, or having trouble sleeping, eating, or going to school.

Diagnosing Abuse

If you suspect abuse, you may ask yourself, “How can I confirm whether my child is abused at school or by a caregiver?”

To diagnose abuse, professionals will use a combination of approaches. They may evaluate the child’s medical and developmental history. They might conduct physical exams and medical tests to look for injuries or other signs of abuse. They will also observe the child’s behavior, talk with parents or caregivers, and speak with the child if possible.

Treating Abuse

Professional treatment and family support can help children recover from the consequences of physical, mental, or sexual abuse. 

  • Medical treatment: If your child has physical signs of abuse, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Mental health treatment: Children who have been abused often have self-confidence issues, difficulty trusting others, and confusion about healthy relationships. A professional counselor can help your child recover emotionally.
  • Family support: You can also assist your child by creating a nurturing home environment. Offer emotional support, provide structure and routine, and promote healthy habits like exercising and sleeping enough.

What Steps Can I Take If My Child Is Abused at School?

A fundamental school staff responsibility is keeping your children safe. Mandatory reporting laws give educators and school employees legal obligations to report suspected abuse.

State child abuse reporting guidelines lay out the reporting procedures for mandated reporters. But what are the steps to take as the parent of a child who was abused at school?

1. Report the Abuse

When you’re wondering, “What should I do if my child is abused at school or by a caregiver?” the first step is to report it to law enforcement or child protection services immediately. You can typically do so anonymously if you prefer. 

2. Consider Legal Options

Next, contact an experienced child abuse attorney. They will work to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions (or inactions) while protecting your child’s privacy. A civil lawsuit allows survivors to pursue compensation for therapy costs, pain and suffering, and other losses.

3. Seek Support

Learning your child has been abused can bring up all sorts of feelings. You may want to call a child abuse hotline for advice, make an appointment with a therapist, or join a support group to help you deal with your emotions during this time.

Contact Our California Child Abuse Lawyers Today

Now that we’ve answered the question, “What should I do if my child is abused at school?” the team at The Cifarelli Law Firm is standing by to help. As legal advocates for abused children in California, we have extensive experience seeking justice for our clients. Call (949) 502-8600 for a free consultation.

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