Entering into an agreement with a personal trainer requires vulnerability. We trust these professionals to assist us in our health-related goals, provide support and feedback, and guide us towards our best selves. Tragically, this tacit agreement is sometimes broken by personal trainers and others in the fitness industry.
What Does Sexual Harassment Look Like?
Sexual harassment can take several forms in the fitness industry. These include:
- Unwanted Comments About Your Appearance
- Open Discussions of Sex Life or Predilections
- Showing Sexually Explicit Photos or Videos
- Making Sexually Inappropriate Comments or Jokes
When coming from a personal trainer, some of these issues may initially seem innocuous. However, if you feel uncomfortable, lines have been crossed.
You can always talk to management about a trainer’s behavior, but when it is aggressive, persistent, or management’s efforts fail to produce change, talking to a lawyer can help you understand your options.
Sexual Assault
In addition to sexual harassment at the gym, club, or activity center, sexual assault from a personal trainer is also possible. Assault includes all types of forcible penetration but may also include:
- Unwanted Hugging
- Unnecessary Placement of Hands
- Unnecessary Manipulation of Upper Thighs, Buttocks, or Chest
- Any Unwanted or Unnecessary Touch
Personal trainers have to touch their clients. This touch should be professional, supportive, and comfortable for the client. When a trainer turns supportive touch into sexual violence, you have every right to hold them accountable through swift legal action.
We are Here to Help
The sexual abuse and assault lawyers at The Cifarelli Law Firm have a proud history of holding individuals and institutions accountable for their actions. We understand the complexities of sexual harassment and abuse claims and are here to stand by your side every step of the way.
If you are confused about your options or unsure how to move forward, call us at 949-502-8600 to schedule a cost and obligation-free consultation with one of our compassionate and attentive lawyers. The Cifarelli Law Firm serves people in the Greater Los Angeles area and all nearby Southern California communities from our offices in Irvine.