Recent Orange Coast Magazine Features Cifarelli Law Firm
A new edition of the Orange Coast Magazine features the Cifarelli Law Firm and its commitment to helping victims of sexual abuse.
In the in-depth feature article, the story begins when attorney Tom Cifarelli was a young attorney in 1994. Cifarelli embarked on a pivotal journey when he assumed his initial case involving child sexual abuse. What swiftly became apparent to him were two profound revelations: Firstly, the prevalence of sexual abuse extends far beyond what the general public understands, permeating institutions like schools, churches, youth sports, foster care, higher education, and even our everyday surroundings in neighborhoods and workplaces. Secondly, a disheartening truth emerged – a significant number of survivors of sexual abuse become locked into a web of fear and shame, constraining their voices to silence. For those brave enough to step forward, the quest for adept, astute, and unyielding legal advocacy is vital.
In an excerpt from the article, Cifarelli’s dedication emerges:
“Over the years, Mr. Cifarelli has obtained well over $100,000,000 for victims of sexual abuse, representing hundreds of sexual abuse survivors throughout California and the United States. He recently represented more than a dozen former students at USC who were sexually abused at the student health center by a trusted university physician and obtained one of the largest per plaintiff recovery awards in that entire litigation which involved hundreds of claimants.”
Here’s a link to the full article:
“Our objective is to turn survivors who were victimized into victors,” says Cifarelli. If you suspect your child, friend or relative is experiencing sexual abuse, please reach out for help. You can call the confidential, compassionate attorneys at the Cifarelli Law Firm for thoughtful advice and assistance. Schedule a private, confidential, and free consultation today.