According to RAINN, 55% of all sexual assaults happen at or near the victim’s home. Many of these occur while the victim is sleeping. RAINN further reports that 29% of sexual assaults occur when the victim is traveling to or from work or school, or while traveling to shop or complete errands. 12% of sexual assaults take place at the victim’s work and 7% at school. 5% occur outside of these locations.
63,000 children are victims of sexual assault or abuse every year. A majority of child sexual assault victims are between the ages of 12-17, but 34% of these victims are under the age of 12. For both children and adults, victims are most often female. Tragically, one out of six women in the United States will be forced to deal with rape in their lifetime.
Who Are the Perpetrators?
RAINN reports that eight of ten rapes are committed by people the victims know. 59% of sexual assaults are committed by acquaintances, 34% by family members, and 7% by strangers. Half of the perpetrators of sexual violence are males over the age of 30 and 57% are white. RAINN reports that 25% of perpetrators are between the ages of 21 and 29, and 15% are under the age of 17.
90% of all sexual assaults are perpetrated by one offender, but weapons such as knives and guns are not frequently used. However, hands, feet, teeth, and other “personal weapons” are used in two out of three sexual assaults, often causing additional physical harm to the victim. These things must be taken into account when seeking justice through legal action.
We Are Here to Help
The sexual abuse and assault lawyers at the Cirafelli Law Firm have the experience necessary to help victims of sexual violence get justice. Thoughtful, compassionate, and attentive, we are here to listen to your story, provide honest and helpful information about your options, and guide you towards the best course for your claim. If you or someone you love has suffered a sexual assault, please give us a call at 949-502-8600 to schedule a private, confidential, and free case review right away. Located in Irvine, the Cifarelli Law Firm fights for victims of sexual abuse throughout the Greater Los Angeles area.